Margot Kuijsters
Margot, a seasoned nurse, embarked on a mission beyond the walls of the Same District Hospital in Tanzania. Under the auspices of "The Catholic Diocese of Same," Margot passionately leads the development of Mount Karmel School, weaving a story of dedication and positive change.

Jan van Rens
Jan Van Rens, a seasoned professional, served as CFO for Unlimited Footwear Group for many years. With a wealth of experience in financial management, he now brings his expertise to our organization as Treasurer. His strategic vision and dedication ensure sound financial stewardship, guiding us towards continued success.

Jantine Ronde
Jantine Ronde, an invaluable asset, serves as a dedicated secretary at De Wever Care, Treatment, and Services. Alongside her primary role, she also fulfills the crucial role of spiritual caregiver, offering compassionate support to residents and staff alike. With her organizational prowess and compassionate nature, Jantine plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations while providing invaluable emotional and spiritual guidance to those in need."

Geert Donker
Geert Donker, a remarkable individual, brings his expertise from his tenure at Kishare. With a wealth of experience gained from his time there, Geert has honed his skills in specify. His innovative thinking and dedication have left a lasting impact, shaping his approach to relevant field. Now, as he ventures into new endeavors, Geert's time at Kishare serves as a solid foundation, propelling him forward with confidence and insight, ready to tackle new challenges and make meaningful contributions wherever he goes

Desiree Schrijvers van Zenden
Desiree Schrijven van Zenden is a passionate ambassador, excelling as a PR & Marketing Relationship Manager at Forward Advocates. Her dedication and expertise make her a trusted confidante of Margot. With an innate ability to foster connections, Desiree ensures that Forward Advocates' brand resonates strongly within the industry. Her strategic approach to client relations and marketing elevates the firm's reputation and visibility. Desiree's commitment to excellence and her unwavering support for her colleagues exemplify her invaluable role within the organization. As a beacon of professionalism and trustworthiness, Desiree is instrumental in driving Forward Advocates towards continued success.

Bernadette Jakobs
Bernadette Jacobs werkt als klinisch chemicus bij het ETZ en heeft een passie voor haar vakgebied. Ze is nauw betrokken bij diagnostisch onderzoek en streeft naar verbeteringen in patiëntenzorg. In haar vrije tijd reist Bernadette graag, waardoor ze inspiratie en nieuwe inzichten opdoet. Haar brede interesse in het werk van Margot, motiveert Bernadette om voortdurend te leren en zich te ontwikkelen. Door haar nieuwsgierigheid en toewijding draagt ze bij aan innovatieve oplossingen binnen de gezondheidszorg, zowel op haar werk als in haar persoonlijke leven. En voor andere te zorgen en aanwezig te zijn als het moet.

Ambassador/ member
Marjorie van Roozendaal
Marjorie van Roozendaal is een ervaren verpleegster met een rijke carrière in de gezondheidszorg. Haar toewijding en deskundigheid hebben haar een gewaardeerde collega gemaakt in verschillende zorginstellingen. Naast haar werk in Nederland heeft Marjorie ook in Tanzania gewerkt, waar ze samen met Margot bijdroeg aan de verbetering van de lokale gezondheidszorg. Haar tijd daar was zowel uitdagend als lonend, waarbij ze directe patiëntenzorg bood en lokale verpleegkundigen trainde. Marjorie's inzet en passie voor zorg reiken verder dan landsgrenzen, wat haar een inspiratie maakt voor velen in haar vakgebied.

Ambassadeur/ lid
Berry Naber
Berry Naber is an optometrist and optician with over 40 years of experience in the field. He is currently working as an ambulance driver, but has previously held positions as a coordinator of optometry, owner of an optometry practice, and regional manager of contact lens specialists. He has a strong background in contact lenses and dyslexia, and is also interested in coaching.